Promising Lake Loon Survey Results

By Mike Thomas

Photo by Daniel Parker

Photo by Daniel Parker

Since 1996 PLCA has participated in the Bird Studies Canada project. Each year nesting loons are located and their offspring are monitored from birth until the fall migration.  Paudash has been, and still is, a healthy loon lake  - not only for the abundance of adult loons we have all season, but also for the number of nesting pairs.  In 2014 we had 5 nests with a total of 8 hatchlings.  At summer’s end 5 were left and their chances of survival from predators were now very good.  At this stage they were also feeding on their own.

In one bay the eggs were dislodged from the nest and were not able to survive to hatch.  This may have been caused by boat waves or nest flooding after heavy rains.  If you want to build a floating nest near your property, visit and click on the ‘volunteer programs’ to get to the Canadian Lake Loons Survey site.

In 2015 please email me at or text me at 416-464-2902 when you see a loon nest or any offspring.