Shoreline Assessment Program UPDATE!

by Mike Thomas

Photo by Daniel Parker

Photo by Daniel Parker

The PLCA is a member of the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Association (CHA), which represents 77 waterbodies and 12,500 properties in Haliburton County. Our association has applied to participate in their ‘Shoreline Classification and Restoration Project’ which began with 4 lakes in 2014.   The goal is to ensure that a minimum of 75% of the shoreline is natural from the water to 30 metres back from the lake (approx. 100 feet). We may be scheduled for the summer of 2015.

CHA has partnered with Trent University and Ulinks (Centre for Community Based Education in Haliburton County).  One of the most important results of this process is that each property owner will receive a package of information showing how they can adapt their property to help protect their lake. Advance notice to property owners prior to any publicity and the opportunity to opt out is critical. Less than one percent have opted out so far.

Privacy is protected and quality assurance is key.  The surveying team travels by boat, taking photos and recording the GIS data on the property to match with the correct pictures.  Once all the information is collected the ‘classifier’ does the computer calculations to classify each property – the information on each property is only available to the property owner. Each owner receives a customized package which includes their own results and recommendations. The PLCA just receives an ‘aggregate report’ on the lake as a whole. If we are confirmed for 2015 a detailed information package will be sent out.